Are you in the midst of a fog like situation right now? Are you between the rock and the hard place? Do you feel like you are in a hopeless island, and you do not know what to do? There is a way out for you. God has made provisions for such a time as this for you. He knew all you are going to go through, and when you are going to go through them. Therefore, He has made comprehensive arrangements to help you. Whatever may be the circumstances that has brought you into your present situation, and even, if you are the one that got yourself into the problem. God is ready to help you, for He never failed. He is capable to deliver from any ugly situation of life. As long as He is called upon for help. This is what He says in Isaiah 49:24-26 NKJV: [24] Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, Or the captives of the righteous be delivered? [25] But thus says the LORD: "Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, And the prey of the terrible be delivered; For I will contend with him who contends with you, And I will save your children. [26] I will feed those who oppress you with their own flesh, And they shall be drunk with their own blood as with sweet wine. All flesh shall know That I, the LORD, am your Savior, And your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob." As per the passage above, you can see that God is capable to save and deliver anyone from any bondage.

However, these prayers will be more effective for you if you are born again. If you have not given your life to Jesus Christ, and accept Him as your lord and savior, you are not born again, and your name is not written in His book of life yet (Rev 20:15). To claim His promises, you must humble yourself before the Almighty God and acknowledge Jesus as the begotten Son of God (John1:12; Gal 4:4; Rom 1:3, 10:11). Now, confess and repent of your sins (Rom 10:10), ask for forgiveness of your sin and invite Jesus into your life, then you will be saved(Rom 10:9-10,13). l therefore, admonish you to recite this brief declaration sincerely with all your heart, so that you will be born again: Almighty God, I confess that I am a sinner, I repent of all my sins, and I believe that Jesus Christ is your son. I believe He came to the world in flesh, He was crucified on the cross at Calvary, died, buried and rose on the third day. I hereby, on this day confess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I surrender my life to Him without any reservation, I ask Him to write my name in His book of life, for l have accepted Him into my life as my Lord and my savior for ever and ever amen. Now you can pray the following prayers with full assurance that God will hear, and honor your requests (John 9:31).

1. Almighty God, l thank you for your mercy and love for me. I am sorry for all the wrong things that l have done. l repent of all my sins, and sinful activities, please forgive me, and give me the grace not to do those bad things again in the name of Jesus.
2. Almighty God, it’s written that whosoever shall call upon your name shall be saved, Please give me a new pure heart, and fill me with your Holy Spirit. Lord, I am in a serious trouble, no one else can deliver me except you. Please, deliver me from this situation l am in (mention what you want to be delivered from) in the name of Jesus.
3. By the power of God that created the spoiler to destroy, l command every spoiler demonically assigned against my life to turn around, and begin to destroy those who have assigned them against me in the name of Jesus.
4. Almighty God, deliver me from the captivity of the mighty (Powers of Darkness) that have been keeping me in bondage: that has never allowed my life to be fulfilled, sponsoring trial and sorrows into my life. Set me free completely from their wicked influences permanently in the name of Jesus
5. Almighty God, set me free from the power of the terrible meddling with the affairs of my life : the force of does not allowed me to make any significant progress, the powers that are blocking my marital desires from manifestation, the power that hinders me from retaining and maintaining good employment; and the powers that attract misfortune and disfavor to my life. God deliver me speedily from them all in the name of Jesus. As you have promised in your word, do so for me in the name of Jesus.
6. Almighty God, arise, and contend with all the evil powers contending with me, and militate against all those that are militating against me, visit all those evil powers they have consulted against me with your wrath; and give me victory over all my adversaries in the name of Jesus
7. As you have promised, Lord, cause all those who are oppressing me and seeking to eat my flesh to eat their own flesh, and be drunk with their own blood instead of mine: plague them as you did against the enemies of the Israelites in Egypt. cause your dread and fear to incapacitate all those who are after me for destruction in the name of Jesus.
8. Almighty God, delivered my children from the spirit of waywardness, bring them back home and fill them with your spirit of wisdom, knowledge and understanding, groom and mentor them yourself in the name of Jesus (lsa. 54:13). Children are the heritage of the Lord(Psalm 127:3). Cause my children to be blessed and mighty in the land of the living.Let not their destiny be swapped or compromised in the name of Jesus.
9. Father God, establish me by your righteousness, in the prosperity in which you have established me, let me not be moved; keep oppression far from me, and let nothing cause me to be afraid: in famine my soul shall be satisfied, I will eat and I shall be satisfied, I will not drink water by measure neither shall I eat bread by weight in the name of Jesus.
10. By your power Lord, you will scatter those that gather together against me, and cause all those who are standing against me to fall for my sake. As wax melt away before the fire, so shall all those who hate me, and impeding my success in life be in the name of Jesus.
11. By your Almighty power God, restore unto me all the blessings that have been stolen from me, you restored back the captivity of Jacob, you restore double for all that was stolen from Job, Lord remember me and be gracious unto me also, in the name of Jesus.
12. Almighty God, gather together all the fragmented parts of my life and made me, and my family whole. Whatever doesn't add to your glory in my life must be removed, and every thing needed for the world to praise your name in my life better must be added to my life in the name of Jesus.
13. I thank you almighty God, for l know you have heard me and you will not allow me to be disappointed. Blessed be your name almighty God. for in Jesus name l pray. Amen.
Thank you Lord for uplifting your children and hearing our cries. We thank you that when the enemy comes like a flood the spirit of God will raise its stands against it. Lord this was such an encouraging article that shifted my perspective and gave me hope again! Thank you Lord for your word and prayers which gives us all freedom and liberty in the name of Jesus!
This is an excellent resource for difficult times. Great read! The scriptures and explanations are encouraging. These powerful prayers will surely bring change in challenging situations.