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Stop Focusing on the Negative

By Emily Furda @heldbygracedevotionals

Read Psalm 145

Sometimes, we find ourselves dwelling on only the negative things that have or are happening to us. Those things can consume us and can overtake our thoughts leaving us wondering if God’s goodness exists. God’s goodness is all around us in every situation. The problem we often have is we’re focusing on the wrong thing. David knew the power of meditating, or dwelling on, the good things God does. In Psalm 145, he says how he will intentionally meditate on the things God has done. When we let our thoughts linger on the good things, we naturally have less time dwell on the negative ones. This isn’t pretending everything is fine when it isn’t. In fact, it’s the opposite. Because there are so many painful things we’re experiencing, we need to remind ourselves of the power and goodness of God. When we remember all He has and will do, it helps us to keep going and gives us comfort in our pain. When you find yourself consumed with worry, take some time to identify what you’re dwelling on. It’s good to acknowledge what is going wrong, but what are you letting your mind think about over and over? Is it what’s going wrong or is it on the provision and strength God promises you? There is no way to go through this life without experiencing pain, but it is possible to not be consumed by it.

Daily Challenge Make a list of every good thing it says God does in Psalm 147. How does this impact you? Journal your thoughts. ~Emily Furda @heldbygracedevotionals

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