By Emily Furda @heldbygracedevotionals
Read 2 Chronicles 20:15-24
When you’re facing insurmountable odds, when you’ve been hurt by others, or when life is overwhelming, it can feel as if you’re in a war. The truth is, you are in a war, a war for your heart and mind, and your freedom is at stake. King Jehoshaphat knew what it was like to be in war. His kingdom was about to be attacked by people who wanted to ruthlessly destroy it and him. Most people would send their strongest warriors to the battlefield first, but God told him to do something unusual. He told King Jehoshaphat to send the worshippers first. Imagine the shock the people must’ve felt. Instead of sending those who could attack and defend using their physical strength, they saw musicians and singers. By any earthly measurement, this had disaster written all over it. Fortunately, God isn’t bound to earthly rules. The presence of God was their weapon, and it was greater than any earthly one. They didn’t have to fight even one attacker. Because they were worshipping God, He took care of their enemies. It takes nerve to do something as unusual as King Jehoshaphat did. It requires trusting that God is good and always has a good plan for us. When we know deep in your heart God is good, it makes it easier to follow what He says, even when it makes no sense to us or those around us. The presence of our good God is what we need to fight any battle we’re up against. When Jehoshaphat told his people to worship, it made the presence of God something tangible. It took their eyes off the battle and shifted their focus to the God who could bring about a victory better than they could ever imagine. The same is true for us today. When we worship God, His presence becomes our greatest weapon against anything we face.
Daily Challenge Listen to “My Weapon” by Natalie Grant.
Devotional written by Emily Furda @heldbygracedevotionals